Our Honeymoon Slideshow
-I want to maintain self identity
I feel by writing these things out my blog will have a direction and through time I can see if I'm lining up with the expectations of marraige and motherhood as a homemaker, how exciting!
I am a recent newlywed as of May 2009 and will be a new mother within the coming months of March or April.
The cost of staying at home for a mother has an estimated million dollar price tag! Even that doesn't change my mind about the importance of investing in my family. I want the life for my family that I didn't have, not to say I'm not grateful for my life's experiences I am! I love my mother and father and brother, I know the sacrifices they made for us and with all my heart I thank God for there commitment to us and our family! It's just have you guys ever just sat back and thought about all the ways to show love in ways that maybe you didn't experience, but longed for. For example, my husband and I call each other "baby" now in my household that wasn't necessarily what my mother called my dad, but it was something I wanted! Me and my husband constantly communicate our love to each other daily, three simple words "I love you" can become the most difficult statement if not said often. There are so many things that I want to do with my husband, Justice and future family that are all right now entries on various sheets of paper somewhere. But day by day I'm living them out, for every desire I want to match it with an experience. With every experience I am patiently and humbly awaiting the outcome, the fruits of my labor. Until then, a million in exchange, uh let me think about it, NOT!
Thank you Lord for answering my prayer and hearts desire! As I seek to serve you in ministering to my husband, child, and future family I pray that I can walk according to your will in obedience to the life that you have called me to live and glorify you always.