Friday, April 30, 2010
I miss going to church! What month did you take your newborn?
It has been so long! Remember I was on bed rest before having Justice that was around February 19th, and baby girl came on March 4th! I wanted to ask you ladies when you went back, I've been waiting until she gets her 2 month shots. She'll be taking hers on next week. It just seems like forever. I had a C-section with baby girl but my doctor's visit was 4 weeks after delivery, I've officially been released or discharged from the gyno's office so now we just go to her pediatrician's regularly. I missed Easter service too! I was just wondering if this was the norm I know it's important for them to stay clear of "germs" but how long is too long? What did you ladies do?
Mommy and Daddy with Justice

The purple pics are Justice at 1 month old, and the rest were taken within the last week.
My baby will be 2 months on May 4th!
She's coming along so nicely, I remember her at the hospital and she was soooooo tiny, because she was born preemie. It's so funny when people see her now they still comment on how small she is and I'm like you should have seen her when she was born! She was born at 4 lbs 9 oz, she weighed in this week at 8 lbs! Mommy's milk is working lol =]
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Home-schooling part 1 ( =] )

Yes I'm starting early!
Slow and easy but starting none the less.
The first book that Justice has ever listened to was the Bible, the second was Goodnight Moon this was given to us by the hospital.
My daily routine with baby girl includes the colors book, flash cards of the alphabet, Psalms 23, Matthew 6:9-13, and Christian Children songs. For now we sing Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves the Little Children, and every now and then This Little Light of Mine.
I love to sing and so singing to Justice is one of the highlights of my day, the hubs makes up his own songs, lol.
She hit 1 month this past Sunday!
Colors book can be found at
Make believe ideas ltd site (USA)
Thursday, April 8, 2010
My parents visit, Justice's other grandparents!
Here are the pics promised from my parents visit!
It was the cutest thing ever when my parents came to visit us which was about a 24 hour drive they came in tired but ecstatic to see Justice. They stayed for about a week and kept us entertained. Dad cooked a few meals and I cooked a few meals, mom helped clean a little, what a blessing family is! All in all their visit was short but me and Ryan have decided to move back home for a few months and save up for a house! Keep us in your prayers! In one week he graduates from college and in two and a half we're back home, we can't wait!
I'm Au Natural

On March 25, 2010 I did it, the big chop! It was something I've wanted to do since last year. I was discouraged from so many people, surprisingly supported by the majority though. It's so funny how we all view beauty differently. WELL I DID IT! For one it's so much less work, my goodness. Honey I'm washing everyday enjoying the water instead of being afraid of it! I support all hair textures but right now this natural thing is working for me, two words... less maintenance! Here are the pics!!!!!
I'm officially a stay at home mom!
On April 6, 2010 I put in my letter of resignation. There were mixed feelings of relief and shame. Why is it so hard to just let go and trust God? For our family me and Ryan believe that we as parents have so much to offer Justice and future children at home that others cannot. Going to my job and putting that letter in was one of the most freeing feelings. All I have to say is what a burden taken off my shoulders! Coming home to the hubby and baby felt so good! Now it's all about doing what I truly believe I was made to do, be a godly wife and mother! Come to think of it there are many duties that a stay at home mom takes on that makes it a full time job, one I wouldn't trade for nickels. dimes or dollars! =]