We're focusing on concentration and patience. To do this we have introduced puzzles to the mix of our activities! It encourages her to persevere and focus until the project is finished.
I went to the dollar store this week and had a great time buying 16 piece and 24 piece puzzles. Today we finished two puzzles together, a 24 piece Winnie the pooh and 16 piece Disney princess puzzle. I probably should have bought more 16 piece sets because she is having a blast with those.
My goal is to have her piece familiar puzzles together while listening to an audiobook. This week we checked out a Winnie the Pooh unabridged audiobook, so I'm going to let her listen to that while she does her activity.
I'm really looking forward to this strengthening her patience skills, she tends to get frustrated very quickly, and I want to see her break this habit by encouraging her to do more orderly activities, in an organized way.
I think with my son I'm going to encourage this type attitude earlier with a Montessori style approach, thankfully I'm learning new methods as I go along. I can't turn back the hands of time, so with my three year old I'm incorporating Montessori type methods with her where I can so she can develop her concentration and patience skills.
I'm excited!