Because of this success I've decided to continue making my language materials and utilizing library reading materials to supplement our language learning. To help the transition from preschool to formalized homeschool instruction I've come across a few resources that I believe will help direct us in this process. My plan is to begin this formalized instruction at the age of 5.
To summarize the focus of our homeschool instruction I have 9 subjects, with a core emphasis on the first 5 that we will do daily, 6-9 will be sprinkled throughout the week:
- Worship
- Language (Reading &Writing/Comprehension, etc...)
- Math
- Memory/Recitation
- Art/Music (Alternate)
- Science
- History
- Models
- Play
Bible Stories/Topics
Mission focus on Fridays
Phonics (National Right to Read Foundation)
Reading (Controlled Vocabulary and Read-a-louds)
Reading Comprehension in Words/Speech
Vocabulary (Children's dictionary)
Grammar Curriculum (Shurley Method)
Math U See Curriculum
Various Subjects (Bible verses, Spanish, English subjects, etc...)
Subject Books (Pick a topic find free resources to study further)
History of the World (Susan Wise Bauer)
A Child's History of the World (Virgil Hillyer)
Various Supplemental materials
History Models that we will create from craft materials (lap books, dioramas, etc...)
Simple Drawings
See the Light Shine Curriculum (Down the line)
Involvement in a Sport or group activity (Basketball, Tennis, Football, Dance, Karate, etc... Just one for each child)
An example schedule:
Monday- Worship, Reading, Writing, Comprehension, Math, Memory/Recite, Science Memory, Science Learning, Art/Music
Tuesday- Worship, Vocabulary, Spelling, Grammar, Math, Memory/Recite, Science Memory, Science Learning, Science Experiment, Art/Music
Wednesday- Worship, Reading, Writing, Comprehension, Math, Memory/Recite, History Curriculum, American History Memory, Geography with Sociology/Biography, Art/Music
Thursday-Worship, Vocabulary, Spelling, Grammar, Math, Memory/Recite, History Curriculum, American History Memory, Geography with Sociology/Biography, Art/Music
Friday-Worship, Reading, Writing, Comprehension, Math, Memory/Recite, Missions, Model, Art/Music
*I will alternate daily between Art and Music, and weekly between geography with sociology and Biography
My plan is to fully utilize the public library for free resources, and discount stores for supplemental materials, the following is a list of things I will eventually purchase at discount or retail price:
- Supplies for Science Experiments (new)
- Science Experiment book
- History Curriculum (new)
- Math U See Curriculum (new)
- Math Measurement Tools (new)
- Shurley English Grammar Curriculum (new)
- Materials for Weekly models (cheap, $1 stores and the like)
- Praise book/cd (new)
- Mission children's book
- Bible topic workbook (new)
- Speech tips book/print materials
*Note to self: Writing with Ease and Institute for Excellence in Writing (Materials for 3rd and up)
*Note to self: Look into Prima Latina for Latin Education (Materials for 2nd grade and up)