Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Dr. Ben Carson for president!

Yes, after recently seeing the prayer breakfast and how he courageously rumbled some feathers speaking HIS REAL VIEWS on things that affect this nation in front of the president and other important political figures, again I say, Dr. Ben Carson for president!.

Its interesting to me that we live in a FREE nation, with the right to FREE speech, but when people actually speak what THEY feel, other people want to censor it. IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY. Listen, I'm all for being discerning and speaking at the right time, so when that time comes, namely when specifically asked to speak, or encouraged to speak, I believe people SHOULD speak, don't hold back, articulate YOUR OPINION. Not what others want to hear.

That's the beauty of America, at least it should be.

Dr. Ben Carson is a pediatric neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital, and well known public figure, attributed to the popular movie, Gifted Hands, which is based on his story coming from a disadvantaged childhood to his current success as a doctor.

I actually saw the movie, and it is a BEAUTIFUL portrait of what education can do for an individual. One thing that sticks out about his life is having a mother that believed in the power of knowledge. She made her two children read two books a week, turn OFF the television, with the exception of two to three programs a week and write book reports on what they read. Now in today's day that seems a little extreme, but in reality this is the type of mentality and efforts that it takes to transition from a lack of knowledge to a lover of knowledge.

Ben Carson says that of course as a child at first he didn't like the reading, but found over time that he begin to develop a LOVE for reading and could go anywhere through the pages of a book. This was so important for him because he was POOR, all caps poor. And for him, through reading he could transport away from his current situation and see the bigger picture.

It was through this practice that led to his pursuit of becoming a brain surgeon and becoming one of the most successful and prominent figures in our nation today.

Now before I even saw the prayer breakfast, I remembered this man's story, its liberating and encouraging to know that a solid education and access to knowledge could lead one to sure success.

So the prayer breakfast was actually the first time I had even seen him speak! And boy was that a treat! As a christian, Carson started his speech with the wisdom of Proverbs and spoke on the importance of education in his life. How reading allowed him to change his outlook on poverty and position in poverty, to success, and a good life. He spoke on how education is important for this nations's success as well, and how his strong belief in this has led to a scholars program, in which he gives out scholarships to those that excel in education and caring for other people as well.

But he didn't stop there...

Carson spoke on the wrong direction we as a nation are going, and offered a few suggestions on issues that are affecting us across the board, namely,taxes and healthcare.

This is a must see speech!



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