Coming from 1 Samuel 1 the scripture of focus is verse 27
For this child I prayed, and the LORD has granted me my petition that I made to him. 1 Samuel 1:27
(English Standard Version)
This particular verse stood out to me in how it referenced the power of prayer in relationship to God's will and power.
I did some research and saw that this was a reference made by Hannah who was the mother of Samuel in the Old Testament. Her husband's name was Elkanah and they were from the mountains of Ephraim. He had two wives, something that at that time was common and not necessarily reprimanded. One was named Peninnah and the other Hannah. Peninnah bore Elkanah children but Hannah did not because the Lord had closed her womb (1 Samuel 1:5). I'm loving this website of commentary for scripture called, David Guzik notes that although polygamy was common where it was present there was strife, in other words no peace.
At the time of worship and sacrifice to the Lord Elkanah and his family went to Shiloh which was the place of meeting, the temple of the Lord, with the priest(s) at the time and basically sacrificed an animal and ate the portion that was left. Portions were distributed to Peninnah and the children but a double portion was given to Hannah because scripture emphasized Elkanah's love for her. Peninnah would provoke Hannah and all she could do was cry and not eat because of her barrenness.
Elkanah approached Hannah and asked her why she wept and did not eat reminding her that he was all that she needed. Now it's interesting to me that he just didn't get it, lol. Hannah desired to be a mother! That was something that he could not fulfill so she was being misunderstood from her husband. In this she rose and prayed to the Lord, weeping distressed and bitter. Prayer is a powerful thing! When all else fails it seems, husband is not understanding, stressed in the home, Hannah prayed, she did the right thing, the only thing that was 100% guaranteed to work. Silently within herself she prayed in front of the priest Eli and he thought she was drunk because all he saw was her lips moving.
Hannah explained to Eli that she was troubled in spirit and was pouring her soul to the Lord. Eli replied in verse 17
"Go in peace, and the God of Israel grant your petition that you have made to him"
David Guzik in enduring the word emphasized how she was misunderstood by the priest Eli and her husband but how we now have Christ, our high priest who understands us. Scripture says in Hebrews 4:14-16 (ESV)
Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Praise God that He understands and sympathizes with us! When we fail ourselves and others fail us, GOD NEVER FAILS, Amen!
In her prayer Hannah made a vow to the Lord that if He gave her a son she would give him to the Lord all his days and not cut his hair. This was something that the Nazarites did in that time. After researching what a Nazarite was I found that their lives were dedicated by vow to the Lord, voluntary, something they wanted to do, and the hair was the symbol of their profession. says this could be a man or woman who is separated or consecrated. There was a period of separation and consecration a beginning and the end was defined when the hair was cut and the sacrifices were made to the Lord.
Hannah's prayer to the Lord was unique because her son she offered as a Nazarite to God all his days at birth! For her to come to this it can be said that all things work together for good, even in her barrenness, despite the fact that God had closed her womb she got to her lowest point and prayed this vow to the Lord, something that happened at this instance at this lowest point! God truly is good!
Once Eli spoke to her she left in peace, ate, and was no longer sad. All that was built up inside of her all of that anguish she poured out to God and walked in peace and by faith. In time God remembered her and she bore a son, Samuel which in Hebrew means asked of God.
It was time for the yearly sacrifice to the Lord but Hannah did not go up because she wanted to wait until Samuel was weaned. It was common for mothers to nurse in that time until the child was 2 or 3. After Samuel was weaned Hannah took him and a three year old bull to the temple of the Lord at Shiloh. She said to Eli in paraphrase this child for which I prayed the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to Him! (Our Scripture of focus) She then goes to lend Samuel to the Lord for as long as he lives and he worshipped God there. The he in the last verse is said to be Samuel, even at his young age was taught about God, brought to the place of God and worshipped God. This is important for us mothers and fathers to not undermine the importance of training our children in the way he should go. What a blessing it must have been to worship God and see the fruit of your womb do the same!
God has sovereignty over the womb! This is very relevant to my pregnancy, it can be said that me and Ryan did it, and in many ways this is true, but God! God I thank you for Little Justice, I thank you for giving us this child and like Hannah I praise you because I know this is your blessing to us, your precious gift! I pray that we can train her up, nurture her, and teach her the ways of the Lord, I dedicate my child to you Oh Lord because I know you gave her to us! I pray that her life brings glory to your name. My baby girl, Justice Grace.