Since the birth of baby girl things have been CRAZY, which all you mothers are fully aware of or can agree with. March 4th was just the beginning. Because Justice was a preemie there were complications with her temperature and it caused us both to stay at the hospital 7 days after her birth. The ideal temperature for babies is 98 and above, ANYTHING below this brings precautionary actions by doctors making sure it isn't due to infections and so on. Hubby worked during this time and I must say at first I felt lonely with mixed emotions of sadness because I wanted to go home but there was no way I was leaving baby girl. I'm a nursing mom so there was a sense of pride in my stay because for every day she nursed she became stronger and I feel the nutrients from my milk had alot to do with her quick recovery. So it wasn't until March 12th that we were discharged.
I see God's blessings!
Justice has been showered with clothes, shoes, pampers, wipes, blankets, AND SO ON. As a first time mother our preparation for baby girl was slow and not quite fully planned. There were things that were given to us through gifts that were necessary but for some reason overlooked by the hub and I, so THANK YOU LORD for your provisions, because boy were we in for a surprise, lol.
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