Humble beginnings. I've always had a desire to be a wife and mother, my mom reminded me of a time when I was a little girl, she told me if you want a husband you can pray for him now, at that instant she said I bowed my head and began praying, lol it's just always been there! Now that God has granted me the opportunity to be a wife and mother I want to do those things to the best of my ability in His grace and within His will. I've always been the kind of person that envisioned my tomorrow's. It's just my nature. In high school I researched prom dresses in the 9th grade, in college I researched weddings freshman year, I've just always planned ahead. I guess that's a good thing.
I thank God for his faithfulness in my life, when things seems to be uncertain He's shown me that He's there. His word tells me that He will never leave or forsake me. That's powerful! With God I can! I can be a godly wife and mother and be the best he has called me to be. Looking ahead I envision a life in which my family is content. I envision a life in which our family could be utilized for God's kingdom. I envision peace but I also envision usefulness. I envision work but I also envision independence. I envision family and I envision God's love infiltrating throughout us to the world!
I thank God for his love.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Justice loves her Jungle Gym :)
Working at Home
I'm on the computer all the time! :) It's perfect, really, in my pj's, cooking, cleaning, and playing with the little one :) I have two great books by Baby's First Library, ABC's and Numbers, I've been reading these to her in addition to a book daily, she's responding better and better as the days go by! :)
I found this really cute numbers song too on youtube and sing this to her at the end of our numbers study :)
Here are the books:

My numbers song
I found this really cute numbers song too on youtube and sing this to her at the end of our numbers study :)
Here are the books:

My numbers song
Monday, August 23, 2010
Chicken and Mac'N'Cheese
Okay, for anyone that knows me knows that I LOVE TO EAT! Well of all foods I love CHICKEN, and Mac'N'Cheese, (He didn't have to do it but He Did, lol) I was blessed this weekend ya'll. I got two of my favorite foods! Me, the hubbs and J went to a kid bday party, and the food was off the chain! That's all I'm saying. Okay there was curry chicken, jerk chicken, MAC'N'CHEESE, salad, hotdogs AND burgers, what more can a girl ask for, lol I'm not Jamaican or from the Islands but I LOVE that island food! O my! My bestie is Jamaican, side comment, lol
Hope all is well in blog world :)
Hope all is well in blog world :)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
This week has been so refreshing!
The message on Sunday has been my energy for the whole week! And to think I was doubting on whether or not I wanted to attend services :) With Justice it's so hard sometimes to get A LOT out of the service, but thank God for perseverance because in spite of how I felt the message was for me! God's grace, boy let me just stop on that note, okay I'm back, God's grace is unfathomable. Forgiveness is so important more so than for us it's for others! :) God has extended His grace to us and loved us so much that He DIED for us, when we come before the Father as Christians, Christ has restored our relationship to Him through his death, therefore He sees the blood of Christ over us. Because of this we are eternally restored in right relationship with the Father, because of Jesus Christ. How is it then that we don't forgive others? We, sinners who sinned before a Holy and Perfect God were forgiven, so even much more, we, have the responsibility to extend that same grace to others. The preacher made a comment, I'm paraphrasing, he said, the reason hell is eternal is because the sin of man is an eternal offense to an eternal God. The reason we as Christians will live forever with God and be in right relationship with Him is because our sins are forgiven! WOW (Grace, God's Grace, Thank God for His Grace) :)
Baby girl is Turning over!
My little cutie pie will be 6 months in 2 weeks, I've been exclusively nursing her and starting at 6 months will begin feeding her pureed foods :) For every new thing she does, I'm just so proud! She's turning over now, I've just start letting her sleep on her stomach :) :) :)