Monday, August 30, 2010

Reflection of Yesterday, Envisioning my Tomorrow

Humble beginnings. I've always had a desire to be a wife and mother, my mom reminded me of a time when I was a little girl, she told me if you want a husband you can pray for him now, at that instant she said I bowed my head and began praying, lol it's just always been there! Now that God has granted me the opportunity to be a wife and mother I want to do those things to the best of my ability in His grace and within His will. I've always been the kind of person that envisioned my tomorrow's. It's just my nature. In high school I researched prom dresses in the 9th grade, in college I researched weddings freshman year, I've just always planned ahead. I guess that's a good thing.

I thank God for his faithfulness in my life, when things seems to be uncertain He's shown me that He's there. His word tells me that He will never leave or forsake me. That's powerful! With God I can! I can be a godly wife and mother and be the best he has called me to be. Looking ahead I envision a life in which my family is content. I envision a life in which our family could be utilized for God's kingdom. I envision peace but I also envision usefulness. I envision work but I also envision independence. I envision family and I envision God's love infiltrating throughout us to the world!

I thank God for his love.



Nabila Grace said...

Isn't God amazing? It's wonderful to look forward to the future knowing He is there to help us on our walk. :o)

Tracey said...

With God's help, may all your visions for your family come to pass!!

NKarmstrong23 said...

Thank you both! with God's help there's nothing holding back His will! :) Yes just knowing that He is there, He really is amazing. It's a peace in knowing that God's hand is ever present :)

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