When I passed the 37 week mark I was sooooo happy, because my baby was considered full term, I was one week shy of this milestone with Justice, so reaching this point was an accomplishment. I knew at any moment after this, baby could be on his way out.
Days passed, Weeks passed, and I had a feeling that Josiah would take me all the way :)
For some women, pregnancy lingers even post the 40 week mark, even up to 2 weeks post expected delivery date, I was hoping that it wouldn't be that long, but mentally just tried to prepare myself that it was a possibility.
At my doctor visits, My OBGYN would check to see how much I was dilated, for two straight visits, it was 0 dilation, I wasn't ready, and I was sent back home.
In week 39 I buckled down and got the house ready for baby, organized his drawer, took off tags, took things out of boxes and bags, set up the stroller, bouncer, bassinet, and car seat. Prepared the car with infant mirrors and car shades, Ryan and I were just on a mission, because we knew baby could come at any moment.
I created a birth plan, checked off my things to do list, it was just crunch time and I was in that kind of mindset. It's funny because when I had Justice there was NO Preparation, I bought like MAYBE 6 oufits, lol
The Lord just provided in an immense way because I had NO IDEA what was coming, and the crazy thing is it wasn't even stressful, He provided every need!
This time around I knew what to expect and wanted to go gender neutral on a lot of baby items for future children, Lord willing.
God is good though because we have everything we need, baby Josiah is ready to go, the only thing I have to buy at this point (post delivery) is a bookshelf, lol because the books WILL be collected, gotta grow that library for him as well ;) (MAJOR SIDE NOTE)
... Getting back to the delivery...
Week 40 came and there was nothing... until about 3 days prior to the expected delivery date, a good friend encouraged me to WALK. We went walking together for about 20 minutes, and that next day, trickle, trickle, early that next morning about 3am in the morning, I felt ... SOMETHING
I was like, hmmm, that's different... went to the potty and nothing came out, but I noticed that I had a feeling to go back and sure enough I was losing my plug (the plug to the uterus, which holds the baby)
About an hour later, VERY mild contractions began.
I knew they weren't Braxton Hicks because I FELT THESE... clearly with pain
So I'm running back and forth to the bathroom, and at some point, the hubby says, are you okay? lol I'm thinking like NO I'M NOT OKAY
lol, but calmly I say, I just lost my plug, and I'm having contractions
So Ryan responds by saying do you think I should pack my bag?
LOLOLOL... I respond with a YES
Now mind you I had my bag packed, Justice's bag packed, and suggested he pack his bag the week prior lol, but uhhhh my husband got up and packed
A few shorts...
I go out front and he and little Justice were knocked out sleeping on the couch in the living room, lol
I basically labored that whole day, timing my contractions, they seemed to be on a consistent rhythm then, went off, they weren't as consistent, so I didn't call my doctor right away
The next day, early in the morning about 3am, the contractions were strong again
I called my Douala and she made it to my house by 6am, and kept me company :)
Fortunately, my doc appointment was that same day at 10am, so no real rush, seeing as though my contractions were about 10 mins apart instead of the 5 minute active labor contractions I was looking for
Heading to the doctor that day with the hubby, we had our bags in the car and car seats ready to go, I had a feeling that I was gonna be staying there, and seeing that is was an hour away from my house i was HOPING that day was THEE DAY
Got to my doc appointment and found out I was 3 cm dilated!
He wanted me to go straight to the hospital, but I decided to walk a little to help labor progress a little before heading straight there, so I went to a nearby mall and walked about 1 1/2 hours
I didn't want to go to the hospital too early and potentially be stuck in labor at a certain dilation, that could potentially send me into a c-section and I didn't want that, I wanted to be as far along as possible
Baby is ready to pop at 10cm, I figure if I could get to 5 cm, that was better than nothing
While I walked I honestly didn't feel my contractions, the times that I did numbered maybe 3 to 4 times, and when the contractions came I just stopped and let them pass, breathing deeply but normal
Ryan and I got to the hospital, I was accompanied by my Douala, mother, father, husband and lovely daughter
I had already pre-registered, so the hospital had all my info, I was admitted to the hospital, given a labor room, and when checked, I found out I was 6 cm dilated!
What a difference a steady walk made!
I was put on the epidural, a little Pitocin and within an hour dilated to about 9cm, and about 30 minutes more, fully dilated to the 10!
It was crazy, so fast, before I knew it, the nurses were coming in with the swaddle blankets, preparing for baby, saying, it's gonna be any minute now...
Doc came in, coached me and my pushes, I didn't feel any pain, but I DID FEEL THE PRESSURE of baby boy coming down, boy did I feel the pressure!
I would say I had to push about 21 times, in intervals of 3, and during the pushes the nurse (who had never experienced a vaginal breech birth) was encouraging me, saying you're doing great! She was about as excited as me!
At every interval the doctor would say, what body part he was seeing!
And before I knew it my husband ran to my side, held my hands and SAID YOU ARE ALMOST THERE, KEEP PUSHING, I knew he saw something!
So even though I WAS TIRED, I pushed and felt that beautiful body come out!
He ENTERED THIS WORLD BOTTOM FIRST, and I delivered him vaginally!
Praise the LORD!
On to the next adventure :)
With that, to all the ladies out there, if you or someone you know has had a c-section, IT IS POSSIBLE to birth vaginally
I would encourage anyone out there to DO YOUR RESEARCH and when it comes to your health, always get a second opinion, and weigh your options, there are ALWAYS options
I am humbled and blessed to have experienced what I have, and give all glory to God, thank you Lord for allowing me this experience, thank you for keeping me safe and baby safe, and thank you for being in control, Amen! :)