I've been using apple cider vinegar for my hair now for about as long as I've been pregnant (7 months) consistently. For one, my patience with washing and conditioning has been really short and when I learned that I could wash with vinegar, I've been cutting corners with washes by just simply rinsing and scrubbing my scalp with water and rinsing with the vinegar. I exchange between the apple cider vinegar (acv) and distilled vinegar. In actuality I like the distilled better, but the apple cider vinegar is the one with rave reviews so I've kinda just stuck to that one.
One of the changes I've seen in my hair is how easy it is to manage my hair altogether. For the most part I keep my hair in twists, so its always detangled, not always moisturized, but always separated. Recently, after bunning my hair and then doing a wash and go shortly thereafter, I found that washing my hair went SOOOOoo fast. Usually I wash at the sink, it's easier for me, not having to be in all that heat in the bathroom while pregnant.
But to make things go faster and wash out all of the gel in my hair quicker I opted for the shower and guess what... IT WAS FAST. I co-washed with Giovanni smooth as silk conditioner and detangled in four parts. using my hand first to pull, and then the comb to detail comb, trust me it might have took like 5 minutes. And no... I wasn't rough. I don't handle my hair rough, the water just made it sooo much easier to comb through.
Now mind you, I've been natural for 3 years now, and I know the secret of water and natural hair, never comb hair dry, and for three years that's what I've stuck by, but this wash was just great.
I've drenched my hair countless times before, but it seems that as my hair grows, and since I've been doing these vinegar washes my hair's elasticity has come along way, and it's just easier to part, wash, and moisturize ALOT quicker.
Another thing is co-washes haven't worked for me thus far, I've tried many conditioners, well quite a few, including some of the cheaper products (v05 and suave) that naturals rave about. And they just left my hair a coated mess. I've shampooed with the giovanni tea tree... uh can some one say FAILURE. My hair was a coated mess. Rinsed with some distilled vinegar and voila, clean hair. Because of my failed attempts at co-washes I almost gave up on them altogether.
But this Giovanni smooth as silk conditioner, is the FIRST product to honestly clean my hair and leave my hair very well moisturized in the process.
I must say I am impressed.
So with co-washing with the giovanni smooth as silk and then rinsing with the acv, my hair wash routine took about 10 minutes no more than 15, and that's with some THICK hair ya'll. All loose (recently I've been washing with twists).
I've gone back to moisturizing my hair with the giovanni leave in, and I've been sealing with almond oil.
As much as I LOOOOvvvvee the almond oil, my hair seems to respond better to the extra virgin olive oil for better shine and moisture. So I think I just might transfer the EVOO in a better bottle for easier application.
So all in all I rate
ACV and distilled vinegar for that matter an A++ for natural hair: easier manageability, increased elasticity in hair, CLEAN hair
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