Monday, December 5, 2011

Balancing Homeschool and my MK Business

(Baby napping)
I feel SO renewed! With a plan many things can happen! I love to homeschool Justice she's just growing and learning and coming into herself. Omgosh she make me laugh so! I have a desire to do this thing, be home with my pookah and help out financially. I'm finding a balance again!

Seriously, I mean tell me about 3 months ago to wear heels and some foundation, and I would have looked at you with the Nicole look lol and THEN said one word Justice! I am a woman again! I love it! Motivated to be girly again, it's fun, I feel like I'm reconnecting with Nicole all over. I enjoy all of the new people in my life, and take full advantage of the motivation freely given to me day in and out! My Mary Kay Business is great but that's only half the picture. My baby girl is the world to me! I heart her forreal! So this is where the balance comes in, honestly, day time is Justice time! During the day I clean, give baby bath, feed her and get ready myself. I try to homeschool at LEASt 2x's daily.

Homeschool consists of repetition. We recite Bible Scriptures, Sing Songs, Read HER baby Bible.... digressing... ya'll Justice said Bible 2 days ago!!!! I was like Ahhhhhhhh, okay.... back on track; read books galore!!!!!!!!! usually like 10... forreal!, and flashcards for math, vocabulary and science!

While I'm doing motherly duties (cleaning, cooking) I have her in the playpen and she lounges on her pillow looking at NickJR lol! Ya'll should see her omgosh she has like these poses she does it is HILARIOUS.

During nap times I get business done! That could consist of wrapping orders, doing emails, contacting team members, customers, ETC... She usually has 2 nap times so I take full advantage of those 1- 1 1/2 hour periods with organizing or working my business. A couple nights out of the week I actually travel to the beauty center, for training and beauty events but Saturdays are the days I really work my MK business. I like it because I'm active again, making money and can work my schedule around my daughter. If I had to estimate I would say I work a total of 2 hours daily, 6 hours on the weekends, so about 18 hours weekly.

Which reminds me Power Commitment!
I am apart of this Bible Study Group, called BSF and we are studying the book of Acts, I need to get better at prioritizing reading God's Word! Even 1 hour daily set aside for my personal and BSF studies will help immensely! I can sprinkle reading in during lunch time as well.

It's all about balance! And I believe I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me! So off I go blog world! On to the next! Justice is calling ;0)


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