Highly anticipating her first crawl, baby girl is now starting to scoot, lol I put her in the crib or on her jungle gym, and the next thing I know she's turned upside down or at the edge of the mat, lol it's the funniest thing. She just started eating solids too! 6 months she exclusively nursed and now cereal is her best friend. She likes it! Praise the Lord for that :)
PS I can't wait to get her first sippy cup, that's next on the list :)
Monday, September 13, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Reflection of Yesterday, Envisioning my Tomorrow
Humble beginnings. I've always had a desire to be a wife and mother, my mom reminded me of a time when I was a little girl, she told me if you want a husband you can pray for him now, at that instant she said I bowed my head and began praying, lol it's just always been there! Now that God has granted me the opportunity to be a wife and mother I want to do those things to the best of my ability in His grace and within His will. I've always been the kind of person that envisioned my tomorrow's. It's just my nature. In high school I researched prom dresses in the 9th grade, in college I researched weddings freshman year, I've just always planned ahead. I guess that's a good thing.
I thank God for his faithfulness in my life, when things seems to be uncertain He's shown me that He's there. His word tells me that He will never leave or forsake me. That's powerful! With God I can! I can be a godly wife and mother and be the best he has called me to be. Looking ahead I envision a life in which my family is content. I envision a life in which our family could be utilized for God's kingdom. I envision peace but I also envision usefulness. I envision work but I also envision independence. I envision family and I envision God's love infiltrating throughout us to the world!
I thank God for his love.
I thank God for his faithfulness in my life, when things seems to be uncertain He's shown me that He's there. His word tells me that He will never leave or forsake me. That's powerful! With God I can! I can be a godly wife and mother and be the best he has called me to be. Looking ahead I envision a life in which my family is content. I envision a life in which our family could be utilized for God's kingdom. I envision peace but I also envision usefulness. I envision work but I also envision independence. I envision family and I envision God's love infiltrating throughout us to the world!
I thank God for his love.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Justice loves her Jungle Gym :)
Working at Home
I'm on the computer all the time! :) It's perfect, really, in my pj's, cooking, cleaning, and playing with the little one :) I have two great books by Baby's First Library, ABC's and Numbers, I've been reading these to her in addition to a book daily, she's responding better and better as the days go by! :)
I found this really cute numbers song too on youtube and sing this to her at the end of our numbers study :)
Here are the books:

My numbers song
I found this really cute numbers song too on youtube and sing this to her at the end of our numbers study :)
Here are the books:

My numbers song
Monday, August 23, 2010
Chicken and Mac'N'Cheese
Okay, for anyone that knows me knows that I LOVE TO EAT! Well of all foods I love CHICKEN, and Mac'N'Cheese, (He didn't have to do it but He Did, lol) I was blessed this weekend ya'll. I got two of my favorite foods! Me, the hubbs and J went to a kid bday party, and the food was off the chain! That's all I'm saying. Okay there was curry chicken, jerk chicken, MAC'N'CHEESE, salad, hotdogs AND burgers, what more can a girl ask for, lol I'm not Jamaican or from the Islands but I LOVE that island food! O my! My bestie is Jamaican, side comment, lol
Hope all is well in blog world :)
Hope all is well in blog world :)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
This week has been so refreshing!
The message on Sunday has been my energy for the whole week! And to think I was doubting on whether or not I wanted to attend services :) With Justice it's so hard sometimes to get A LOT out of the service, but thank God for perseverance because in spite of how I felt the message was for me! God's grace, boy let me just stop on that note, okay I'm back, God's grace is unfathomable. Forgiveness is so important more so than for us it's for others! :) God has extended His grace to us and loved us so much that He DIED for us, when we come before the Father as Christians, Christ has restored our relationship to Him through his death, therefore He sees the blood of Christ over us. Because of this we are eternally restored in right relationship with the Father, because of Jesus Christ. How is it then that we don't forgive others? We, sinners who sinned before a Holy and Perfect God were forgiven, so even much more, we, have the responsibility to extend that same grace to others. The preacher made a comment, I'm paraphrasing, he said, the reason hell is eternal is because the sin of man is an eternal offense to an eternal God. The reason we as Christians will live forever with God and be in right relationship with Him is because our sins are forgiven! WOW (Grace, God's Grace, Thank God for His Grace) :)
Baby girl is Turning over!
My little cutie pie will be 6 months in 2 weeks, I've been exclusively nursing her and starting at 6 months will begin feeding her pureed foods :) For every new thing she does, I'm just so proud! She's turning over now, I've just start letting her sleep on her stomach :) :) :)
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Working the weight off!
It's been a journey but me and Ryan have finally settled in our move. We're with my parents to save up for a house of our own. Keep us in your prayers... In the mean time, God is really at work in our lives, it just seems like this is a period that we're both seeking God for guidance and purpose. Re-establishing old friendships and letting God take precedence in every relationship is something that I find quite fulfilling. My best friend Amanda and I have been friends since the seventh grade! She's engaged to be married in September, another best friend of mine, friends since the tenth grade Mickey is engaged to be married July 17th! (This marriage thing is contagious) Amanda and I recently picked up a weekly walking routine. Our goal is to walk at least three days a week, this in addition to some stomach workouts and leg squats, pre pregnancy weight here I come. I got on the scale today and weighed in at 137! This is great news, I'm thinking I started off at 130 pounds so Thank You Lord! Staying healthy and seeking the Lord for my self and in my relationships! ::::Pursue God and everything will work it self out.::::
Monday, May 3, 2010
Nature Trail
Justice, Hubby and I all went on a nature walk, I thought it would be cool to get some sun and get some good outdoor pics! It was so fun, Ryan I and followed the trail in the back of our apartment and really just took everything in. I'm just enjoying motherhood so much, God's blessing me more than I could have ever imagined. It's just great!
Friday, April 30, 2010
I miss going to church! What month did you take your newborn?
It has been so long! Remember I was on bed rest before having Justice that was around February 19th, and baby girl came on March 4th! I wanted to ask you ladies when you went back, I've been waiting until she gets her 2 month shots. She'll be taking hers on next week. It just seems like forever. I had a C-section with baby girl but my doctor's visit was 4 weeks after delivery, I've officially been released or discharged from the gyno's office so now we just go to her pediatrician's regularly. I missed Easter service too! I was just wondering if this was the norm I know it's important for them to stay clear of "germs" but how long is too long? What did you ladies do?
Mommy and Daddy with Justice

The purple pics are Justice at 1 month old, and the rest were taken within the last week.
My baby will be 2 months on May 4th!
She's coming along so nicely, I remember her at the hospital and she was soooooo tiny, because she was born preemie. It's so funny when people see her now they still comment on how small she is and I'm like you should have seen her when she was born! She was born at 4 lbs 9 oz, she weighed in this week at 8 lbs! Mommy's milk is working lol =]
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Home-schooling part 1 ( =] )

Yes I'm starting early!
Slow and easy but starting none the less.
The first book that Justice has ever listened to was the Bible, the second was Goodnight Moon this was given to us by the hospital.
My daily routine with baby girl includes the colors book, flash cards of the alphabet, Psalms 23, Matthew 6:9-13, and Christian Children songs. For now we sing Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves the Little Children, and every now and then This Little Light of Mine.
I love to sing and so singing to Justice is one of the highlights of my day, the hubs makes up his own songs, lol.
She hit 1 month this past Sunday!
Colors book can be found at
Make believe ideas ltd site (USA)
Thursday, April 8, 2010
My parents visit, Justice's other grandparents!
Here are the pics promised from my parents visit!
It was the cutest thing ever when my parents came to visit us which was about a 24 hour drive they came in tired but ecstatic to see Justice. They stayed for about a week and kept us entertained. Dad cooked a few meals and I cooked a few meals, mom helped clean a little, what a blessing family is! All in all their visit was short but me and Ryan have decided to move back home for a few months and save up for a house! Keep us in your prayers! In one week he graduates from college and in two and a half we're back home, we can't wait!
I'm Au Natural

On March 25, 2010 I did it, the big chop! It was something I've wanted to do since last year. I was discouraged from so many people, surprisingly supported by the majority though. It's so funny how we all view beauty differently. WELL I DID IT! For one it's so much less work, my goodness. Honey I'm washing everyday enjoying the water instead of being afraid of it! I support all hair textures but right now this natural thing is working for me, two words... less maintenance! Here are the pics!!!!!
I'm officially a stay at home mom!
On April 6, 2010 I put in my letter of resignation. There were mixed feelings of relief and shame. Why is it so hard to just let go and trust God? For our family me and Ryan believe that we as parents have so much to offer Justice and future children at home that others cannot. Going to my job and putting that letter in was one of the most freeing feelings. All I have to say is what a burden taken off my shoulders! Coming home to the hubby and baby felt so good! Now it's all about doing what I truly believe I was made to do, be a godly wife and mother! Come to think of it there are many duties that a stay at home mom takes on that makes it a full time job, one I wouldn't trade for nickels. dimes or dollars! =]
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Grandparents visit!!!
Ryan's mom and Justice's Tama
Tama and Justice during one of her feedings
Ryan's dad and Justice's Pa Pa
Ryan's baby brother NATE!!!!!
The first to show were Ryan's parents and baby brother, they stayed with us for about two weeks and were truly God sent. His mom cooked, cleaned, watched baby girl during the night so that me and Ryan could get some hours of sleep during the night. This is partly the reason for the delay in posts, things have been crazy! Nursing without an electric pump for the majority of their stay was WORK indeed. Thank God for my new pump though, now I seem to have more time for mom things, lol including blogging, cooking and cleaning. It's been so long since I've been in the kitchen my first meal on my feet since bed rest... Grits, boiled eggs and bacon (A BIG STRETCH FOR ME) I'm even working the dishwasher now, lol... next step dinner meals and clothes duty. In time, I feel good but I know I'm not fully recuperated from the surgery (c-section). This week my parents are down from their almost 19 hour drive to visit baby girl. Mom kept saying she's so beautiful and dad said "Look what the Lord has made" over and over when they held Justice for the first time. My mom is a teacher and supposed to be on spring break, I emphasize the word supposed because she brought flash cards and books and has been having a blast with baby girl. She's learning her alphabet, colors and learning to read all in one week, lol, well at least starting to learn with the help of our teacher grandmother. The Grandparents are in town everybody, watch out! She's the first on both sides, pictures from this week coming soon, here's pics two weeks post our first day home and stay with Ryan's parents and baby brother.
Busy Mom and Blessed Beyond Belief
Since the birth of baby girl things have been CRAZY, which all you mothers are fully aware of or can agree with. March 4th was just the beginning. Because Justice was a preemie there were complications with her temperature and it caused us both to stay at the hospital 7 days after her birth. The ideal temperature for babies is 98 and above, ANYTHING below this brings precautionary actions by doctors making sure it isn't due to infections and so on. Hubby worked during this time and I must say at first I felt lonely with mixed emotions of sadness because I wanted to go home but there was no way I was leaving baby girl. I'm a nursing mom so there was a sense of pride in my stay because for every day she nursed she became stronger and I feel the nutrients from my milk had alot to do with her quick recovery. So it wasn't until March 12th that we were discharged.
Justice has been showered with clothes, shoes, pampers, wipes, blankets, AND SO ON. As a first time mother our preparation for baby girl was slow and not quite fully planned. There were things that were given to us through gifts that were necessary but for some reason overlooked by the hub and I, so THANK YOU LORD for your provisions, because boy were we in for a surprise, lol.
I see God's blessings!
Justice has been showered with clothes, shoes, pampers, wipes, blankets, AND SO ON. As a first time mother our preparation for baby girl was slow and not quite fully planned. There were things that were given to us through gifts that were necessary but for some reason overlooked by the hub and I, so THANK YOU LORD for your provisions, because boy were we in for a surprise, lol.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Justice is here!
It's been a while I know, well you know how we were planning on having a baby shower, yea that was cancelled. Justice came on Thursday the week of the baby shower. I had a doctor's appointment on Thursday and was told that I could be induced as early as that next week possibly Monday or Tuesday. I had a scheduled stress test the same day and it seemed that the baby shower was a sure go! Well during the test I noticed her heartbeat decline where as normal was in the 150 range I looked at the monitor and saw 90 something, I didn't like the sound of it so I knew the doctor's wouldn't. Before I knew it 3 or 4 nurses came in and told me to turn the other way sure enough we found her normal heartbeat again. One of the nurses put an air mask on me and I had a feeling that things were going to be a little different than my other stress test visits. The nurses left and returned with the doctor, and the doctor said, "Today's the day". My hubby jumped up, he was sleeping on the couch, bless his heart. So from there I was given the procedures of the C-section, and the rest was history. Justice was born on March 4, 2010 at 4 lbs 9 oz and she's a beauty. While I was in the delivery room I must confess I was a little scared, I had a dream earlier that I delivered a boy! I was telling everyone to go here and go there to get boy baby stuff, cause I had nothing but girl girl girl items. Thank the Lord SHE is here, alive and healthy. My baby girl Justice Grace. She was born to the song I Can Only Imagine by Mercy Me, one of the doctor's assistants asked me what kind of music I liked and I replied, "gospel", so he played that song, and boy oh boy was it perfect, it was just perfect.
Here's the beauty...
(More pictures and stories to come)
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Let Me Cater to You: Hubby to the Rescue
I have to say that in my life superman really does exist and honey I'm not Lois Lane. My husband is the greatest! Throughout this whole bed-rest situation he really has just done some SUPER things. Cooking, cleaning, I even have my own little corner set up in our room for T.V. and internet, lol. God has blessed me with a superman. Today's menu was Lime zest Grilled chicken, laid on top of tortilla chips, Black beans and white rice with a garden salad. Next time I'll post pictures!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Mothers in the Bible: Godly or not?
I want to make a list of mothers found in the Bible. My plan is to slowly but surely study each of them. I enjoyed the Study of Hannah so much that this morning I felt the Holy Spirit weighing heavily on my heart to further study mothers in the Word. Here's a list of some that I have found. Feel free to comment if there are some that I have left out! I would love to add to the list!
1. Mary the mother of Jesus
2. Elizabeth
3. Salome
4. Eunice
5. Lois
6. Hannah
7. Rachel
8. Bathsheba
9. Rebekah
10. Eve
11. Jochebed
12. Sarah
13. Rahab
14. Leah
15. Keturah
16. Jerusha
17. Jedidah
18. Azubah
19. Asenath
20. Adah
21. Abi (Abijah)
22. Ruth
23. Rahab
26. Naomi
I must confess, this is more difficult than I thought, it's so hard to put every mother on the list because some have some "not so nice" endings. I'm reminding myself that each play a part in the plan and purpose of our Lord. My purpose for studying these women is to get a good view on how they played their part in helping their husbands and rendering up of their children. I want to learn from those examples of godly mothers and wives in scripture but not limit my study to just a few. I pray that God will help me in this process and open my heart to his full word.
Lord I ask today that you will speak to me in your word and grow me closer to your will. I seek you and only you, to you I live my life and walk accordingly in obedience. As a wife, as a mother, I pray that I do my part and trust you for the rest. Today I pray this prayer.
1. Mary the mother of Jesus
2. Elizabeth
3. Salome
4. Eunice
5. Lois
6. Hannah
7. Rachel
8. Bathsheba
9. Rebekah
10. Eve
11. Jochebed
12. Sarah
13. Rahab
14. Leah
15. Keturah
16. Jerusha
17. Jedidah
18. Azubah
19. Asenath
20. Adah
21. Abi (Abijah)
22. Ruth
23. Rahab
26. Naomi
I must confess, this is more difficult than I thought, it's so hard to put every mother on the list because some have some "not so nice" endings. I'm reminding myself that each play a part in the plan and purpose of our Lord. My purpose for studying these women is to get a good view on how they played their part in helping their husbands and rendering up of their children. I want to learn from those examples of godly mothers and wives in scripture but not limit my study to just a few. I pray that God will help me in this process and open my heart to his full word.
Lord I ask today that you will speak to me in your word and grow me closer to your will. I seek you and only you, to you I live my life and walk accordingly in obedience. As a wife, as a mother, I pray that I do my part and trust you for the rest. Today I pray this prayer.
Justice's new car seat! (POWER COMMITMENT)

I looked online diligently for a car seat that was "different." I live in a small town and the mall IS Walmart. In the store there were limited choices so I decided to go with an online only car seat. The one I fell in love with was the Baby Trend - Flex Loc Infant Car Seat, Dakota. One of my best friends from back home bought it for me! I am ever so grateful, when the whole scare happened about a week and a half ago, I had three friends in particular who showered us with gifts, if baby Justice was coming my friends were prepared to help out in whatever way they could. The Lord is just right on time with this because truthfully considering our situation it would have been a struggle to get all of the things that she needed. One thing for sure, I am learning the importance of supporting those close to me, it's through times like these where I know I want to be the type of friend that "sacrifices" for my friends. I love my family and it's easy to sacrifice everything for them, but sometimes easier to make excuses to sacrifice for others. Through this experience I want to make a commitment to sacrifice first and foremost to God, my family, my friends, and those in need.
So here are the pics everybody!
Monday, March 1, 2010
I found my Baby Shower Scripture
Coming from 1 Samuel 1 the scripture of focus is verse 27
This particular verse stood out to me in how it referenced the power of prayer in relationship to God's will and power.
I did some research and saw that this was a reference made by Hannah who was the mother of Samuel in the Old Testament. Her husband's name was Elkanah and they were from the mountains of Ephraim. He had two wives, something that at that time was common and not necessarily reprimanded. One was named Peninnah and the other Hannah. Peninnah bore Elkanah children but Hannah did not because the Lord had closed her womb (1 Samuel 1:5). I'm loving this website of commentary for scripture called enduringword.com, David Guzik notes that although polygamy was common where it was present there was strife, in other words no peace.
At the time of worship and sacrifice to the Lord Elkanah and his family went to Shiloh which was the place of meeting, the temple of the Lord, with the priest(s) at the time and basically sacrificed an animal and ate the portion that was left. Portions were distributed to Peninnah and the children but a double portion was given to Hannah because scripture emphasized Elkanah's love for her. Peninnah would provoke Hannah and all she could do was cry and not eat because of her barrenness.
Elkanah approached Hannah and asked her why she wept and did not eat reminding her that he was all that she needed. Now it's interesting to me that he just didn't get it, lol. Hannah desired to be a mother! That was something that he could not fulfill so she was being misunderstood from her husband. In this she rose and prayed to the Lord, weeping distressed and bitter. Prayer is a powerful thing! When all else fails it seems, husband is not understanding, stressed in the home, Hannah prayed, she did the right thing, the only thing that was 100% guaranteed to work. Silently within herself she prayed in front of the priest Eli and he thought she was drunk because all he saw was her lips moving.
Hannah explained to Eli that she was troubled in spirit and was pouring her soul to the Lord. Eli replied in verse 17
"Go in peace, and the God of Israel grant your petition that you have made to him"
David Guzik in enduring the word emphasized how she was misunderstood by the priest Eli and her husband but how we now have Christ, our high priest who understands us. Scripture says in Hebrews 4:14-16 (ESV)
Praise God that He understands and sympathizes with us! When we fail ourselves and others fail us, GOD NEVER FAILS, Amen!
In her prayer Hannah made a vow to the Lord that if He gave her a son she would give him to the Lord all his days and not cut his hair. This was something that the Nazarites did in that time. After researching what a Nazarite was I found that their lives were dedicated by vow to the Lord, voluntary, something they wanted to do, and the hair was the symbol of their profession. Gotquestions.org says this could be a man or woman who is separated or consecrated. There was a period of separation and consecration a beginning and the end was defined when the hair was cut and the sacrifices were made to the Lord.
Hannah's prayer to the Lord was unique because her son she offered as a Nazarite to God all his days at birth! For her to come to this it can be said that all things work together for good, even in her barrenness, despite the fact that God had closed her womb she got to her lowest point and prayed this vow to the Lord, something that happened at this instance at this lowest point! God truly is good!
Once Eli spoke to her she left in peace, ate, and was no longer sad. All that was built up inside of her all of that anguish she poured out to God and walked in peace and by faith. In time God remembered her and she bore a son, Samuel which in Hebrew means asked of God.
It was time for the yearly sacrifice to the Lord but Hannah did not go up because she wanted to wait until Samuel was weaned. It was common for mothers to nurse in that time until the child was 2 or 3. After Samuel was weaned Hannah took him and a three year old bull to the temple of the Lord at Shiloh. She said to Eli in paraphrase this child for which I prayed the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to Him! (Our Scripture of focus) She then goes to lend Samuel to the Lord for as long as he lives and he worshipped God there. The he in the last verse is said to be Samuel, even at his young age was taught about God, brought to the place of God and worshipped God. This is important for us mothers and fathers to not undermine the importance of training our children in the way he should go. What a blessing it must have been to worship God and see the fruit of your womb do the same!
God has sovereignty over the womb! This is very relevant to my pregnancy, it can be said that me and Ryan did it, and in many ways this is true, but God! God I thank you for Little Justice, I thank you for giving us this child and like Hannah I praise you because I know this is your blessing to us, your precious gift! I pray that we can train her up, nurture her, and teach her the ways of the Lord, I dedicate my child to you Oh Lord because I know you gave her to us! I pray that her life brings glory to your name. My baby girl, Justice Grace.
For this child I prayed, and the LORD has granted me my petition that I made to him. 1 Samuel 1:27
(English Standard Version)
This particular verse stood out to me in how it referenced the power of prayer in relationship to God's will and power.
I did some research and saw that this was a reference made by Hannah who was the mother of Samuel in the Old Testament. Her husband's name was Elkanah and they were from the mountains of Ephraim. He had two wives, something that at that time was common and not necessarily reprimanded. One was named Peninnah and the other Hannah. Peninnah bore Elkanah children but Hannah did not because the Lord had closed her womb (1 Samuel 1:5). I'm loving this website of commentary for scripture called enduringword.com, David Guzik notes that although polygamy was common where it was present there was strife, in other words no peace.
At the time of worship and sacrifice to the Lord Elkanah and his family went to Shiloh which was the place of meeting, the temple of the Lord, with the priest(s) at the time and basically sacrificed an animal and ate the portion that was left. Portions were distributed to Peninnah and the children but a double portion was given to Hannah because scripture emphasized Elkanah's love for her. Peninnah would provoke Hannah and all she could do was cry and not eat because of her barrenness.
Elkanah approached Hannah and asked her why she wept and did not eat reminding her that he was all that she needed. Now it's interesting to me that he just didn't get it, lol. Hannah desired to be a mother! That was something that he could not fulfill so she was being misunderstood from her husband. In this she rose and prayed to the Lord, weeping distressed and bitter. Prayer is a powerful thing! When all else fails it seems, husband is not understanding, stressed in the home, Hannah prayed, she did the right thing, the only thing that was 100% guaranteed to work. Silently within herself she prayed in front of the priest Eli and he thought she was drunk because all he saw was her lips moving.
Hannah explained to Eli that she was troubled in spirit and was pouring her soul to the Lord. Eli replied in verse 17
"Go in peace, and the God of Israel grant your petition that you have made to him"
David Guzik in enduring the word emphasized how she was misunderstood by the priest Eli and her husband but how we now have Christ, our high priest who understands us. Scripture says in Hebrews 4:14-16 (ESV)
Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Praise God that He understands and sympathizes with us! When we fail ourselves and others fail us, GOD NEVER FAILS, Amen!
In her prayer Hannah made a vow to the Lord that if He gave her a son she would give him to the Lord all his days and not cut his hair. This was something that the Nazarites did in that time. After researching what a Nazarite was I found that their lives were dedicated by vow to the Lord, voluntary, something they wanted to do, and the hair was the symbol of their profession. Gotquestions.org says this could be a man or woman who is separated or consecrated. There was a period of separation and consecration a beginning and the end was defined when the hair was cut and the sacrifices were made to the Lord.
Hannah's prayer to the Lord was unique because her son she offered as a Nazarite to God all his days at birth! For her to come to this it can be said that all things work together for good, even in her barrenness, despite the fact that God had closed her womb she got to her lowest point and prayed this vow to the Lord, something that happened at this instance at this lowest point! God truly is good!
Once Eli spoke to her she left in peace, ate, and was no longer sad. All that was built up inside of her all of that anguish she poured out to God and walked in peace and by faith. In time God remembered her and she bore a son, Samuel which in Hebrew means asked of God.
It was time for the yearly sacrifice to the Lord but Hannah did not go up because she wanted to wait until Samuel was weaned. It was common for mothers to nurse in that time until the child was 2 or 3. After Samuel was weaned Hannah took him and a three year old bull to the temple of the Lord at Shiloh. She said to Eli in paraphrase this child for which I prayed the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to Him! (Our Scripture of focus) She then goes to lend Samuel to the Lord for as long as he lives and he worshipped God there. The he in the last verse is said to be Samuel, even at his young age was taught about God, brought to the place of God and worshipped God. This is important for us mothers and fathers to not undermine the importance of training our children in the way he should go. What a blessing it must have been to worship God and see the fruit of your womb do the same!
God has sovereignty over the womb! This is very relevant to my pregnancy, it can be said that me and Ryan did it, and in many ways this is true, but God! God I thank you for Little Justice, I thank you for giving us this child and like Hannah I praise you because I know this is your blessing to us, your precious gift! I pray that we can train her up, nurture her, and teach her the ways of the Lord, I dedicate my child to you Oh Lord because I know you gave her to us! I pray that her life brings glory to your name. My baby girl, Justice Grace.
Baby Shower is 5 days away!

Me at about 25 weeks pregnant!
MONDAYS and THURSDAYS! Today I have another stress test, pray for me, hopefully all goes well! I just want to get to this week's baby shower! The outline for the baby shower is as follows:
Food Menu: Chips and Dip, Wings, Cake, Punch, Fruit Tray and Sandwich Tray
Decor: Brown and PInk Napkins and Table Cloths
Pink and Brown Balloons and Streamers
Personalized BANNER (I'm So Excited about this ya'll)
Games: Safety Pin, Unscramble, Bingo
The Invitations are printed from Vistaprint.com

The Banner is being made from simplybabystuff.com

Sunday, February 28, 2010
Our Wedding
Husband and Wife
Ceremony decor
Reception decor
Our Board
Centerpiece and Favors
Girls helping me
Me and Dad coming down the aisle
Hubby looking at me come down the aisle
Mom and Dad and me before going up to the altar
Ryan taking me up to the altar
Under Wedding canopy
You may now kiss the bride
Lighting of candle
Pronounced husband and wife
Kiss after ceremony
Wedding Party and Families
Reception Entrance
First Dance
Intimate moment during first dance
Our reception canopy
Picture with some guests
Soul Food
Shoe Game
Toss of Bouquet and Garter Winners
Our Car: The Bentley
Leaving for Honeymoon