The Lord may have it to where this blog could touch someone's heart or prick their minds and bring them to obedience of His word just by me sharing what otherwise would be limited to the confines of my home debates :)
So with that said, I want to share my strong disagreement against abortion and pro-choice mindsets.
Our country has been in a decade old war. With abortion on the rise and legally protected, Americans have volunteered the lives of millions, as casualties since 1973. The unborn continues to be sacrificed for various reasons, all for the sake of choice. More deadly than the Civil War and Holocaust combined, we are currently in the present day American Civil War/Holocaust, called abortion.
Since the beginning of America (1776), we have given 1.3 million lives in wars but have legalized the Civil Holocaust on our own grounds. I repeat up until today, 2013, an estimated 1.3 million lives have been taken in war. And these are given by adults, willingly, whether it be for belief in a cause, or defending our country, since 1776, we as Americans have done a pretty good job in limiting the effects of "outside" war against our population over the years.
The lives taken during the Holocaust estimate at about 11 million, and this was a 12 year period. Combining the lives of the Jews and non-Jews killed during this time, 11 million is just too many, but even this devastating event had an end.
This pales in comparison to the amount of lives taken through abortion. Since the legalization of abortion (1973) we have take over 54 million lives. I REPEAT, up until today, 2013, an estimated 54 million lives have been taken, unwillingly. These individuals didn't willingly give up their lives as sacrifices for the defense of our country, they were unwillingly taken, because of the "choices" of people.
In just 39
years we have taken 20% of our country and willingly destroyed it. Thus,
lessening our power, spiritually, intellectually, and physically. Where is our
20% advantage in innovation and science, where is the 20% potential stronger
workforce, 20% lives to have heard the gospel of Jesus Christ, simply put…
At the expense of choice…
At the expense of choice, we have gained a 20% WEAKER
economy AND country. If this can be done in 39 years, and with a continued growth
rate of 0.7% the equivalent to a growing 0% and inevitable -.00% (negative
growth) we will accomplish quite a few things.
The inevitable truth is that America at this pace will see a
decline in population due to our own self-inflicted wounds legally and
illegally, we will see an even weaker state, and weakened power in our world,
falling to the power houses around us, by “choice.”
Is it serious? Very much so. War is always a serious matter, and we ARE fighting a war.
With the increase in birth control and abortion, sex has
been more casually experienced, because it can be. There is an escape for
millions. Taking away the consequence of having to responsibly care for babies. When we take away the responsibility
that we as humans must take, we create a false sense of escape, thus dodging the inevitable provision of
potential baby and family.
My spiritual perspective on choice has changed over the years. There use to be a time when I would defend killing unwanted babies that were brought in the world through some pretty harsh conditions. Whether it be rape or incest, a life is a life, and God is the giver of it.
The result of the bloodshed will go punished, it must. Since the beginning of time we see this recompense for the blood of the land, it was the blood of the ground that cried out when Cain killed Abel (Genesis 4:10). When God decided to destroy the world by flood, it was the violence that filled the earth that provoked Him to destroy all flesh with the earth (Genesis 6:13). God's word is not void, it is everlasting, and He sees life, the blood of the created as a very serious matter.
In the bible, God saw the life of the unborn so important that in Exodus, if the life was harmed, the penalty for this was a life for a life, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth... (Exodus 21:22-25)
What we think is just not that serious, actually is. In our wisdom we are creating the most destructive and dangerous war against ourselves. Each life is precious, and the miracle of life itself is given, who are we to take it?
My prayer is that we as a country could come together and stop this Civil Holocaust American War and let God be God. We make bad choices, but God is able to provide.
Murder is murder.
Genesis 9:6-Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image.
God have mercy on us, I pray that we as a nation, especially the believers will stand up to this battle, and by your grace Lord, restore the view of life and protect us. I pray that we can fight for your truth and defend the defenseless, our un-born babies. I pray that abortion and the legalization of it be condemned and seen as a counterfeit. I pray your forgiveness for our country and its actions.
In Jesus name, Amen.
The encouraging thing is abortion, just like other sins are forgivable. God gives us a chance to be right with Him, even in the wickedness we have done, because of what Jesus Christ has already accomplished on the cross, by faith in Him, believing He came to die for our sins, and has paid the price of sins, we can be saved from the wrath of God against our sin.
John 3:16- For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
Colossians 1:14-In whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Praise the Lord!
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